Mind Like Still Water

Dear Friends:

Do you wonder what the world would be like if everyone had peace of mind and peace in their hearts? I do. Not only would there would be greater peace, harmony and equality between people, but the positive ripple effect would impact all aspects of our world in immeasurable ways. 

This is the heartfelt intent behind this new, free audio that kindles a state of peace. Presenting... 

Mizu no kokoro - Mind Like Still Water - Meditation for Peace

The Japanese have an expression, "Mizo no kokoro” which translates as “Mind like still water.” It is a concept often taught in the context of martial arts. It refers to quieting the mind and calming the spirit so that you can perceive the world with heightened clarity. Just as a calm, still lake clearly reflects the environment around it, so does a mind free of the distortions created by mental chatter. Our thoughts are like ripples in the water that distort the reflection. This can result in a distorted view or perspective. The result of a still mind is unwavering peace and pure perception.

Yet if you have you ever attempted sitting silently to meditate and still your mind from unproductive thoughts, you know that it can be difficult to shut off that inner mind chatter! For some people it feels impossible. Sometimes we empty our minds best by filling our minds with something else - something much more productive and positive.

This guided meditation audio does just that. It helps guide the listener in eliminating non-productive thoughts, worries, fears and mental chatter by using mindfulness and compassion meditation techniques coupled with integrative hypnotherapy. Ripples in the water smooth out and the outer world is reflected as clear as glass. A calm mind promotes creativity, productive problem solving, heightened awareness and insight, better decision making and peace. This audio leaves the listener feeling profound peace. A peaceful, quiet mind leads to a peaceful spirit, heart and life, which ripples out to create more harmony in the world.

This free audio can be downloaded as an mp3 here, or streamed on YouTube

If you feel a drop more peaceful after listening to this audio,

allow that ripple effect by sharing it with others.

In Peace,